Top 6 Critical Factors To Keep In Mind When Renovating Your Lawn

If your lawn has seen better days, a complete renovation may be the best option for you. However, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind when planning the project. Let’s quickly walk through these important factors that most impact the state of your lawn. 1. Pests Pests can wreak havoc on your […]

6 Natural Ways To Repel Mosquitoes From Your Lawn

Mosquitoes on your lawn are more than just a nuisance. They’re also harbingers of diseases that can affect your entire family. Even after spraying insect repellents, they never seem to go away. Thankfully, there are natural ways to keep these tiny bloodsuckers at bay and protect your home. At Andora Lawn Care, we specialize in […]

A Beginner’s Guide To Lawn Restoration Services

Like other parts of your home, your lawn requires regular care and attention. Without it, your outdoor living areas will look unkempt and your home will start to stand out for the wrong reasons. Over time, your lawn can become unhealthy due to various factors, such as unsuitable soil conditions or pests. Weeds and other […]

Beginner’s Guide To Tick Control For Yards

No matter how thick and lush your lawn is, it’s impossible to enjoy time outdoors if mosquitos or ticks plague it. Insects can feel like an inevitable, unavoidable part of summer. But there are ways to protect your yard and home against nuisance and dangerous insects, including mosquitos and ticks. Keep reading for a beginner’s […]

How To Prepare For Lawn Restoration

A lush, green lawn is not only essential to your home’s curb appeal; it also increases the living space in your home during the summer. A brown, spotty lawn plagued by weed growth or mosquitos stops families from spending time outdoors. When the weeds and insects are severe enough, the best option to revitalize your […]

What To Look For In Mosquito Spraying Companies

In the spring and summer seasons, your lawn is your oasis. It’s a pleasant green space on your property that you can enjoy with friends and family members for activities ranging anywhere from barbecuing to sunbathing or even enjoying good times together around an outdoor fire pit. No matter the size of your lawn, it’s […]

Your post-lawn restoration service maintenance checklist

Congratulations: your lawn is back! If you’ve just received professional lawn restoration services for your outdoor space, you’re likely already very familiar with how unpleasant it can be to have a decaying, unhealthy-looking lawn on your property. This space is a part of how visitors and other people passing by view your home, and if […]

What makes tick prevention an essential lawn care service?

A vibrant green lawn you can be proud of is a great benefit for any homeowner to enjoy. Whether it’s large or small, it provides an open green space for you, your friends and family, and your pets to enjoy. But there are certain threats to be found lurking in your grass. If you’re not […]

4 Essential Tips for Optimal Lawn Care

In some ways, maintaining a healthy, clean-looking lawn is a fairly straightforward task that most people understand how to approach. Regular mowing is needed to curb the overgrowth of grass and weeds. Frequent watering helps your healthy grass grow to a level that gives your lawn a vibrant green hue. Testing the fertility of your […]

Professional Lawn Care Tips For Yard Mosquito Prevention

One of the best parts of summer is spending the long, cool evenings relaxing in the yard. Hosting family barbeques, birthday parties, and kids’ sleepovers are some of the best ways to create cherished lifelong memories for you and your family. However, when your yard is a breeding ground for mosquitos, you’ll find yourself spending […]