How Lawn Renovation Companies Can Help You

Lawn renovations can be as thorough as an indoor renovation. While some may assume because there aren’t structural requirements or dry wall to bust through an outdoor renovation is easy, that is far from the truth. There are a myriad of concerns you have to think of when renovating your lawn, and it can get […]

Top 7 Cost Factors Of Lawn Restoration

A beautiful, healthy lawn is the pride and joy of any homeowner. But sometimes, due to factors beyond our control, our lawns can fall into disrepair. Whether it’s due to a harsh winter, insects, or disease, sometimes these need a little help to return to their green glory. That’s where lawn restoration comes in. One […]

Beginner’s Guide To Organic Mosquito Control

Even though it’s a small village, Larchmont is home to a surprisingly large number of mosquitoes. If you’re not careful, these pesky insects can ruin your outdoor gathering in no time. But before reaching for the can of insecticide, consider organic mosquito control methods instead. Not only are they better for the environment, but they’re […]

5 Ways To Get Rid Of Crabgrass And Prevent It From Returning

Crabgrass. Just the word can cause serious worry for any homeowner with an outdoor lawn or garden. This fast-growing, invasive weed can wreak havoc on even the most carefully manicured lawn. But there is good news! With some know-how and elbow grease, you can get rid of crabgrass for good. At Andora Lawn Care, we […]

How Can A Professional Mosquito Spraying Service Help You?

Few pests will take over your yard the way mosquitoes do. It seems like a perfect evening to spend in the backyard with some friends chatting as the sun goes down, but soon you’re bombarded by tiny buzzing mosquitoes. You do your best to smack them away, but soon you’re annoyed and everybody heads back […]

What Is A Lawn Seeding Service?

It can be frustrating to spend an excess of time and money on making your lawn look beautiful and green, only for it to be patchy and thin. At Andora Lawn Care, we can help bring back the lush, thick lawn you once had with our lawn seeding service. Lawn seeding is a great way to […]

Should You Use Organic Products When Spraying For Ticks?

More than most other pests, ticks are more than just a nuisance. Ticks pose a significant health hazard to people, and eliminating these insects is essential to preserving your and your family’s health. Still, applying synthetic pesticides can be like fighting fire with fire, often resulting in these toxic chemicals hurting someone or something. If […]

Andora’s Guide: What Is Lawn Rehabilitation And Do I Need It?

A deteriorating lawn can ruin the atmosphere of your home. When you leave or arrive home from work, it sets the tone. If your lawn is patchy and infested with weeds, insects, or disease, there are treatments available to redeliver it to its former, lush glory. Here’s everything you need to know about lawn rehabilitation […]

5 Proven Tips To Prevent Dogs From Getting Ticks From Your Lawn

Ticks are a serious problem for dogs. Once attached to a host, they can transmit a large number of diseases, including ehrlichiosis, Q fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and even tick paralysis. As a pet owner, prevention remains the best measure against tick infestations. By taking some precautions you can help keep your […]